Norah Feeny

Professor | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Mather Memorial Building 105

Other Information

Specialty: Psychology

Research Interests

Our laboratory focuses on the development and evaluation of cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety and mood disorders. Much of our work is focused in the area of PTSD specifically. We have ongoing research evaluating treatments for PTSD, understanding what predicts who will benefits from such treatments, which treatments people prefer, and optimizing PTSD treatments for refugee populations. We also have conducted treatment trials in the area of pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and bipolar disorder in youth. Our research has involved us in varied clinical settings: sexual assault programs, substance abuse programs, and outpatient treatment programs for anxiety and depression.

Please visit us at our lab webpage to learn more about our current team and projects: PTSD Research and Treatment Program


Graduate Student Research Assistants

Kathy Shekhtman (Benhamou)
Elsa Mattson
Jenna Bagley
Daniella Levine
Samantha Martin
Sarah Rutter
Cailan Splaine
Sinan Payat

am planning to accept a new graduate student during the upcoming academic year

Dr. Norah Feeny with the 2018-2019 PTSD Treatment and Research Team: (L-R:) Kathy Benhamou, Allison Baier, Norah Feeny, Alex Rothbaum, Alexandra Klein, Alexandra Bowling

Dr. Norah Feeny with Clinical Psychology Graduate students Alexandra Klein, Mark Burton, Alex Klein, Alex Rothbaum, and Allison Baier

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