Read about Dr. Heath Demaree's co-authored study, "To Protect a Good Mood, People Play it Safe", published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology!
Please save the date! Intersections will be held on April 19, 2019. Stop by and see your fellow students' presentations!
Congratulations Alison and Liliana! Presented posters at the ICPS 2019, Paris France, March 7-9 with Professor Jim Overholser @CWRUpsychsci
Liliana's poster examined the pathology in suicide and death controls.
Alison's poster assessed death in opiate users
The Communication Sciences MA students completed their treatment meta-analyses this fall. Each student presented a unique topic, ranging from treatment for speech sound disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, and cleft-palate to name a few. They each did an amazing job!
Congratulations to the undergraduates in Psychological Sciences who won SOURCE Poster Awards for their presentations at the Fall Intersections Conference. Margarid Turnamian won 1st place for her poster “Trauma and Related Experiences in LGBTQ, Cisgender, and Heterosexual Individuals,” mentored by Amy Przeworski. Jason Lockamy won 3rd place for his...