We offer the combined advantages of a strong liberal arts college and a major university. There are classes in all major areas of the Psychology field. We encourage close student-faculty relationships and offer many opportunities for individualized study and research. We also are able to offer extensive course work and research opportunities in the biological and social sciences, management, and computer technology. The Undergraduate Scholars Program allows students to combine Psychology with other disciplines to design their own baccalaureate program. Qualified undergraduates are able to take selected graduate-level courses. The program also has laboratories which enable students to have contact with major research areas of the Developmental, Cognitive, and Affective Sciences Program.
An undergraduate major in psychology provides preparation for graduate training in psychology, medicine, social work, allied health professions, education, business, computer science, or law. The undergraduate degree directly prepares students for careers that require knowledge and understanding of behavior, research design, and the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
Requirements for a Psychology Major
Undergraduates who matriculated after July 1, 2014 should follow the requirements below to complete a psychology major: Beginning with Allport (1937), scientific psychology has historically relied on two broad complementary traditions in the study of human behavior. The nomothetic or experimental approach focuses on identifying general laws about human behavior. The idiographic approach is concerned with the uniqueness of people and focuses on differences among individuals. Although all psychology courses apply both perspectives to specific topics in psychology, subsets of psychology courses rely more heavily on one or the other; therefore, the major requirements below ensure training that reflects a balance of nomothetic and ideographic approaches. The psychology major requires a total of 30 credit hours comprised of PSCL101: General Psychology, and PSCL282: Quantitative Methods in Psychology; plus 2 nomothetic courses; and 2 idiographic courses. The remaining 12 credits of elective coursework can be taken as any combination of PSCL courses. Take the 2 required core courses below (total of 6 credit hours) PSCL 101 – General Psychology (3) PSCL 282 – Quantitative Methods in Psychology (3) Select 2 of the following nomothetic courses (total of 6 credit hours) PSCL 315 – Social Psychology (3) PSCL 352 – Physiological Psychology (3) PSCL 353 – Psychology of Learning (3) PSCL 357 – Cognitive Psychology (3) Select 2 of the following idiographic courses (total of 6 credit hours) PSCL 230 – Child Psychology (3) PSCL 313 – Psychology of Personality (3) PSCL 321 – Abnormal Psychology (3) PSCL 325 – Psychotherapy and Personality Change (3) PSCL 369 – Adult Development and Aging (3) Select Elective Courses (total of 12 credits) *Any combination of additional PSCL courses. Psychology majors should work closely with their major advisors to customize the selection of required and elective courses to provide them with courses suited to their own individual career goals.
Undergraduates who matriculated before July 1, 2014 should follow the requirements below to complete a psychology major: Thirty hours of course work must be completed successfully to fulfill department requirements. Majors must take General Psychology (PSCL 101) and Quantitative Methods in Psychology (PSCL 282). In addition, three of the following classes are necessary: PSCL 315 – Social Psychology (3) PSCL 352 – Physiological Psychology (3) PSCL 353 – Psychology of Learning (3) PSCL 355 – Sensation and Perception (3) PSCL 357 – Cognitive Psychology (3) PSCL 370 – Human Intelligence (3) PSCL 375 – Research Design and Analysis (3) PSCL 382 – Psychological Measurement (3) PSCL 393 – Experimental Child Psychology (3) The remaining 15 hours are taken from electives chosen by the student, in collaboration with his/her advisor.* No more than nine hours of practicum courses (PSCL 334, 335, and 336) may be used toward a Major in Psychology If you matriculated prior to July 1, 2014, you may request a change to the new requirements by completing an Academic Requirements correction form which can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Studies website. *Although not required for the Psychology Major, PSCL 375 (Research Design and Analysis) is a prerequisite for most of the senior capstone courses in psychology.
Declaring a Major
If you wish to declare a major in Psychology, obtain a Major Declaration for in the Office of Undergraduate Studies (Sears 357). Complete the form, then contact the Department of Psychological Sciences representative, Dr. Jennifer Butler (jle3@case.edu). Dr. Butler will meet with you for approximately 15 minutes to discuss the major requirements and to assign a major advisor.

Graduate students Amanda Merner and Anne Kotynski with Heath Demaree, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Psychological Sciences Department
Requirements for a Psychology Minor
Students who wish to minor in Psychology must take General Psychology I (PSCL 101), plus a minimum of four other Psychology courses, for a total of 15 hours. The classes are chosen by the student in collaboration with his/her advisor. Practica and independent study are available, but may not be used to satisfy the Minor requirement. In addition, at least 50% of your PSCL courses need to be taken at CWRU.
Academic Advising
Once you declare Psychology as your major or minor, you are assigned an academic advisor. Your academic advisor must review the courses that you are planning to take before you can complete the registration process for the semester. This is to ensure that the courses that you are registering for meet the requirements for your major/minor or general College of Arts and Sciences requirements. In addition, the Psychology Undergraduate Pathways may serve as a helpful guide when choosing the courses that you would like to take. Once your advisor has reviewed your courses and lifted the hold, go to SIS to register for your classes.
If you are seeking advice regarding your career goals, your academic advisor may serve as a useful resource. Please also see our site providing resources and suggestions about career options in psychology. Additionally, if you are interested in going to graduate school in psychology in order to pursue a career in psychology, we recommend that you become involved in psychology research. For more information about psychology research and how to become involved in research please see our research page.